Gifts to United States - ORDERS shipped from our US warehouse
You can find estimated delivery time for each product on the product page like the example shown in the below screenshot
Once you place an order you will get a confirmation email. You will also receive a second email containing your tracking # as soon as we receive this information from the carrier.
International orders: Please note, most orders arrive duty free, however you may be subject to import duties and taxes once a shipment reaches your country. We are not responsible and have no control over these fees. International orders must be shipped to the cardholders address.
- We do not issue a refund if you have put an incorrect delivery address at checkout.
- We do not issue refunds In winter for wine and familiar items that may break due to the extreme weather conditions. By ordering those items you take the full risk and understand that no refund will be issued.
- Requested delivery time is just for our reference so we know what day you would like your order to be delivered but it's not guaranteed. Shipping companies do not deliver on the weekends especially on Sundays .
- We are not responsible for shipping carrier related delays nor do we issue refunds or cancel orders due to the shipping delays.
- If the recipient is not at the location and the item(s) are returned to us by the carrier, Refund will be issued after shipping price deduction + 20% restocking fee from the order total.
3 day return policy during which a buyer may return product undamaged (at their own expense). Due to their nature, there are no returns or refunds on holiday items, cakes, fresh baked cookies or popcorn unless damaged.We provide a return/refund for any damaged or defective gifts as long as any claims are placed within the agreed upon 5 days of the gift being received and damages/defects can be verified. If the item is disposed before we can verify the damages/discrepancy, we will not issue any refund or replacement.
Perfume orders can be returned up to 7 days after the delivery date for a full refund minus shipping and gift wrap charges. If you would like to return a product from your order simply send the unopened product back to us in its original sealed packaging. You can expect a refund within one billing cycle of our receiving your returned product. If shipping was free for your order it will be deducted from the credit we apply to your credit card. Please note, we do not accept returns for cosmetics and skincare items due to health reasons, please make your selections carefully.Shipping cost is non-refundable for undelivered, unclaimed, returned and refused packages, unless we made an error.
In order to provide our customers with the best shopping experience, our systems are automated and therefore orders cannot be cancelled after they are placed. If a cancel option appears next to your order in your order history section then you may cancel your order.
Drop Us A Line
We’re happy to answer any questions you have or provide you with an estimate. Just send us a message in the form below with any questions you may have.